1 Year Anniversary

13 09 2009

I cannot believe we have been married for a year.  It seems like just yesterday that I was walking down the aisle toward the man of my dreams.  That day is still so clear in my memory.  Before we were married people always told us that the wedding day is the best day of your life.  Well, I hate to tell them…that is a lie.  Life with Brian has gotten better and better with each passing day.  If you do want to read all about our wedding day click here.

The happy couple

The happy couple

This year has been the most amazing year of my life.  I thank God everyday for such an incredibly loving, thoughtful, fun, handsome, silly and sweet husband.  (The list could go on forever, but I will spare you from the mushy stuff.)  We have been through some ups and downs this year and have come out stronger than ever.  After losing my job, Brian worked over 60 hours a week between his two jobs to be able to provide for us.  He did not complain about the hours and time away even once.  He kept a positive attitude the entire time and focused our attention on God and each other.  Times like those is when I wonder how I got so lucky.


The Wedding Party

We created a lot of new memories this year.  We had our first Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter together.  If you look back on some of our other posts you can see the trips we have taken and the moments we have shared.  It is a little scary that it has already been a year.  I cannot believe how fast time has flown.

We are married

We are married

We are celebrating our anniversary by going to Fogo de Chao, a brazilian steakhouse in downtown Indy.  We are also going to eat the top part of our wedding cake.  Now I am not going to lie, this seems like such an odd tradition.  Eating a 1 year old, freezer burnt cake does not sound like that good of an idea.  But, it is traditions so we have to do it.  I will let you know if either of us end up in the hospital.

Mr. and Mrs.

Mr. and Mrs.

Before I go, I thought it would be fun to share some video taken from The Flying Toasters concert we went to two weeks ago.  This was the band that played out our reception.  They made our reception a night that none of our friends or family will ever forget!  Hopefully we will have our wedding video done soon and can share all of the laughter, tears and just plain sillyness of the day.

Reception at the Music Mill

Reception at the Music Mill